澳门百家乐官网 (中国)有限公司官网

Company dynamics
on2018-04-13 15:20:14
In April 12, 2018, Jiangsu Eisen semiconductor material Limited by Share Ltd won the honor.

In April 12, 2018, the "2018 China Semiconductor Market Annual Conference and the seventh integrated circuit industry innovation conference" held by the China Semiconductor Industry Association was held in Nanjing Wanda Hilton Hotel, Jiangsu Eisen semiconductor material Limited by Share Ltd "a small side etching of copper etchant GCT ECU 312 series" products won the "Twelfth session(2017) Chinese semiconductor innovation products and technology" honor, At the same time, Jiangsu Eisen semiconductor materials Co., Ltd. also won the "2017-2018 China semiconductor material Market Annual The Most Growing Enterprise Award".


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