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Company dynamics
on2021-03-09 17:41:55
Jiang Liang, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Department of Industry and Information Technology, led relevant leaders of the Electronic Information Industry Department of Jiangsu Department and Suzhou Industry and Information Technology Bureau to conduct an investigation in Jiangsu Eisen Semiconductor Materials Co., LTD
On the afternoon of March 4, 2021, Jiang Liang, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, led the relevant leaders of the Electronic Information Industry Department of Jiangsu Provincial Department and Suzhou Industry and Information Technology Bureau to conduct an investigation in Jiangsu Eisen Semiconductor Materials Co., LTD., accompanied by the relevant leaders of Kunshan Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Qiandeng Town.
The research meeting first listened to Jiangsu Eisen chairman Zhang Bing and general manager Xiang Wensheng do company introduction. In the process of introduction, secretary Jiang Liang to industrial chain present opportunities and challenges, and how to get through upstream and downstream industry chain, and further discussions on current products and future product development strategy of jiangsu eisen positioning gave full affirmation, hope to implement two-way communication with government departments in jiangsu eisen, bigger and stronger, better serve the development of upstream and downstream industry.
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