澳门百家乐官网 (中国)有限公司官网

Company dynamics
on2018-07-19 17:03:00
Xiang Wang, vice mayor of Suzhou, led the party to guide the work of ASEM

In the afternoon of June 26, 2018, the vice mayor of Xiang Wang, Suzhou City, led the leaders of Kunshan city and Qiandeng town to Jiangsu Eisen semiconductor material  Ltd.carry out the guidance work, First, he listened to the enterprise introduction of the chairman of Bing Zhang and the general manager of Wensheng Xiang, and listened to the needs and the aspirations of the enterprise's innovation and development, and made the relevant guidance in the process of introducing the enterprise. The vice mayor of Xiang Wang has given a high degree of evaluation to Eisen's products and future product strategic development, and hopes Eisen will achieve the goal of the first class electronic chemical provider in the field of semiconductor materials.


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