澳门百家乐官网 (中国)有限公司官网

Company dynamics
on2019-06-20 09:46:57
Jiangsu Eisen Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd.' s "I/G Line Positive Photoresist for Packaging (SUN—1170P)" product won the honor of "13th (2018) China Semiconductor Innovative Products and Technolog

On May 17, 2019, the 2019 World Semiconductor Conference and the 17th China Semiconductor Market Annual Conference were held in Nanjing International Expo Conference Center Store. Jiangsu Eisen Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd.' s "I/G Line Positive Photoresist for Packaging (SUN—1170P)" product won the honor of "13th (2018) China Semiconductor Innovative Products and Technologies".


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